A small handcrafted blog section

My thoughts as they get translated through the keyboard.

E's public diary

  • 24-08-26 - School project and the difficulties of working together

    I've been back in school for about three weeks. During the first week we were tasked with forming groups for an ongoing group project. I was quite hopeful that the groupd I formed would be working out... but, right now, it feels pretty hopeless.

    Maybe its partly due to my expectations being unreasonable, but it feels really shitty that I was the only one that attended our "daily standup" this morning. Not a word from the majority of the group regarding why they didn't show. I feel like giving up and letting them fend for themselves.

    And, since noone showed, I feel like a big poop because I tried to carry our work forward without having the opportunity to consult anyone else.

    //The insecure creature E

  • 24-07-29 - A long lonely day

    My shoulder hurt. I really should not have spent the whole day typing on my keyboard. I should have gone to bed many hours ago. I should do something else tomorrow, my shoulder will thank me.

    But it feels good to get my words out, even if noone is listening, reading. I tried to call my dad, he didn't pick up. My apartment doesn't feel like a home, it's rejecting me. I am complaining, my body is complaining.

    I wrote many words for a tutorial, it's not done yet but I have put up my work in progress here, I'll finish it up soon. Soon but not tomorrow, I promise.

    The best experience I had today was listening to tilde.town song compilation vol2: noise (my favourite song is after the end) while reading Can you tell the difference between these two things?. On the topic of music I can also recommend Blackbraid, I put it on my wishlist.

    //A caged and lonely creature named E

  • 24-07-26 - Another world (wide web)

    I went exploring. Trying to find new paths. It's been several(/many) years since I frequently went on the main roads of what the web offers today, the places like facebook (I'm not there), instagram (nope), twitter (yuck). I have become stunned at all the amazing things I've already been able to find. Beutifully crafted websites, fantastic fiction and resources for a community that, like me, have rejected large portions of the modern web.

    I feel inspired, and I feel competent enought to create something of my own. Writing HTML is easy breezy, and it's fun. Compared to the web applications I've crafted in school it's freeing to just stick everything in an online text editor, save and check the result. Then repeat.

    I have done a lot of observing but limited interacting. I have only scribbled in one guestbook. I've gotten one comment on my neocity site. I invite everyone who's reading this and feel up for it to interact with me (would you send me an email if I were to publish an address?).

    This blog thing will be a bit of a diary too. I have to write about one of my achievements yesterday: I managed to install Arch?! I won't be using the installation but I have previously been struggling to get it working at all, but yesterday. Yesterday it worked! It wasn't flawless, and I will stick to debian for now. But by the curlybrackets it felt good to get it working!

    I think that's it for now. Maybe there'll be another entry here soon.

    //A strange forest creature named E